A radio show, just scratching the surface of what is deemed “underground music”, various styles at different speeds and genres. Variety is the spice of life they say.. 

…on with this weeks show

Figure Study – Answers [Figure Study LP]
Juan Wauters
Sanity Or Not  [N.A.P. North American Poetry LP]
Shocking Pinks
Therearenorivershere  [Guilt Mirrors LP]
In A Lonely Place
Disappoint  [Mess LP]
King Dude & Chelsea Wolfe
Be Free  [Sing More Songs Together… 7″]
Tense Men
Opiate Glow  [Where Dull Care Is Forgotten  EP]
Les Bicyclettes Blanches
Mississippi Towns  [MMIX LP]
Sixth June
Someone  [Pleasure EP]
Miles Brown
Electrics  [Electrics 7″]
The BeverleysThis Is Not A Union  [The Beverleys Ep]
PyPyNew York  [Pagan Day LP]
Have A Nice Life
Unholy Life  [The Unnatural World LP]
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete
Sealed Scene  [Chambers LP]
Be Quiet
Function  [Affliction EP]
The Notwist
Into Another Tune  [Close To The Glass LP]
Black Submarine
The Love In Me  [New Shores LP]
My My  [Disappear / My My Single]
The Orwells
Dirty Sheets  [Dirty Sheets 7″]
The Telewire
Last Flight Alone  [Like Everything LP]
Big Ups
Grin  [Eighteen Hours Of Static LP]
Perfect Pussy
Driver  [Say Yes To Love LP]
Blank Realm
Violet Delivery  [Grassed Inn LP]
Death Of Lovers
Cold Heaven  [Buried Under A World Of Roses LP]
Carrier   [The Hollow Organ LP]
Guided By Voices
Second Chance   [Save The Company 7″]
Trick Mammoth
Terracotta   [Floristry LP]
Liquid Ill   [Spice Rack Mixtape LP]  

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