Rockin n rolling at the second round of the semi finals on the weekend at the annual Dux de Lux RoundUp band competition brought to you by RDU.
Finals on this Saturday 27th at the Dux
Well done to all the finalists including this weeks winners Sandfly Bay and Mmdelai. Check out their tracks on the podcast or Myspaces down the page a bit.
Live session this week from Quiet Lights recorded at the Knitting Factory
Brooklyn, NY USA. Courtesy of “Ablaze” single free download
…and on with the show.
Cloud Nothings-Understand It All [Cloud Nothings] free download
British Sea Power-Mongk [Zeus EP]
Super Wild Horses-Fifteen [Fifteen LP]
the notes-Awake [Wishing Well LP] pay what you want
Chickenhawk-NASA vs ESA [Modern Bodies LP]
Frankie & The Heartstrings-Want You Back [Ungrateful 7″]
Kevin Greenspon-No Ghosts [Kevin Greenspon/Cloud Nothings Split CD]
Thread Pulls-How To Talk [New Thoughts LP]
Hank IV-Feeding Me Back [III LP]
Mogwai-Rano Pano [Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will LP]
Flight-Goodbye Horses [The Lead Riders EP]
The Queers-I Knew GG When He Was A Wimp [Back To The Basement LP]
Mmdelai-Wall Of Light [myspace] Roundup finalists
Sandfly Bay-In Palaces [myspace] Roundup finalists
The Flips-I Just Don’t Know Where I Stand Anymore [single 7″] free download
Forgetters-The Night Accelerates [Too Small To Fail EP]
Humanfly-The Enemy of My Enemy is me [Darker Later LP]
La Sera-Never Come Around ]Never Come Around single] free download
Reading Rainbow-Wasting Time [Prism Eyes LP]
Hey, thanks for playing a song of mine, appreciated!
Shoot me an email if you’d like to hear more: [email protected]
-K Greenspon